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6x6 How to Solve

How to Solve a 6 by 6 by 6 V-Cube (Rubik's Cube)

Introduction: How to Solve a 6 by 6 by 6 V-Cube (Rubik's Cube)

About: You can find me over on Knexflux!
Hello, This is my instructio how to solve a six by six by six v-cube. First I wanted to say that this Instruction is veary complecated, so if you have any questjions fell free to ask. I also wanted to that I'm german so if I have any Spellingmistakes please tell me. And I wanted to say that I invented every movement at my one exept the ones for the special cases.

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Step 1: Before You'll Start

Before beginning you should know what the movments mean. If there are only the letters turn it clockwise, if there is the letter and ' turn counterclockwise.

Step 2: Scramble

Step 3: Solving the First Center Pieces

Now it's finally time to start! It's still easy.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
The algorythmus of the third pic is:

Step 4: The Center Cross

The Center Cross
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Now you'll make the Center Cross
The algorysm of the first pic is:
Ff UC f'
The algorysm of the second pic is:
LC u' LC' u Ff UC' Ff RC' u' LC
The algorysm of the third pic is:
Ff' UC' f
The algorysm of the fourth pic is:
RC' u RC u' Ff UC Ff' LC u2 LC'

Step 5: Compleating the Center

Now you'll complete the centers.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
Ff d f'
The algorythmus of the second pic is :
Rr' d' r
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
r' d2 r d Rr' d' r

Step 6: The "Diamant"

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Now you'll make the "Diamant"
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
The algorythmusof the third pic is:
F' DC' F
The algorythmus of the fourth pic is:
LC' D LC D' F' UC F D2 F DC' F
The algorysm of the fifth pic is:
The algorysm of the sixth pic is:
UC' F' UC2 F
The algorysm of the seventh pic is:
The algorysm of the eighth pic is:
LC U LC' U' F' DC' F D2 F DC F'

Step 7: The Fat Cross

The Fat Cross
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Now you'll make a fat cross.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
u' F u F'
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
  dF' d2 F
The algorythmusof the third pic is:
F' d' F
The algorythmus of the fourth pic is:
l' D l D' F' u F D2 F d' F
The algorysm of the fifth pic is:
The algorysm of the sixth pic is:
u' F' u2 F
The algorysm of the seventh pic is:
F d F'
The algorysm of the eighth pic is:
 l U l' U' F' d' F D2 F d F'

Step 8: Compleating the First Layer

It's time to compleat the first layer.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
L' D' L
The Algorythmus for the third pic is:
L' D2 L D L' D' L

Step 9: Starting to Place the Centerpieces of the Second Layer

Starting to Place the Centerpieces of the Second Layer
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Okay, now you'll start solving the second Layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
DC' F R DC F' DC' F R' F'
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
d' F R d F' d' F R' F' DC' F R DC F' DC' F R' F'
The algorythus of the third pic is:
DC F' L' DC' F DC F' L F
The algorysm of the fourth pic is:
d F' L' d' F d F' L F d F' L' DC' F DC F' L F

Step 10: Completing the Center Pieces of the Second Layer

Completing the Center Pieces of the Second Layer
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Now you'll compleat the centerpieces of the second layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
d2 F L d F' d' F d F' d' F L' F'
The algorythmus for the secod pic is:
d2 F L d F' d' F L' F'
The algorythmus for the third pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' d' F d F' L F Uu'
The algorythmus for the fourth pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' L F Uu'

Step 11: Completing the Second Layer

Now you'll complete the second layer.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
D' L' D' L D F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
D F D F' D' L' D' L
The algorythmus for the fird pic is:
L' D' L D F D F' D L' D' F D F D F'

Step 12: Starting the Third Layer

Starting the Third Layer
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Now you'll start solving the third layer.
The algorysm of the first pic is:
DC' F Rr DC F' DC' F DC F' DC' F Rr' F'
The algorysm of the second pic is:
DC' F Rr DC F' DC' F Rr' F'
THe algorysm of the third pic is:
DC F' Ll' DC' F DC F' DC' F DC F' Ll F
The algorysm of the fourth pic is:
DC F' Ll' DC' F DC F' Ll F

Step 13: Finishing the Centerpieces of the Third Layer

Now you'll finish the centerpieces of the third layer.
The algorysm of the firstpic is:
F' Ll' d' F D F' Ll F
The algorysm of the second pic is:
d' F Rr d F' d' F Rr' F'

Step 14: Compleating the Third Layer

It's time to compleat the third layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
D R' Ff' D' L D L' Ff L
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
D' F Rr D F' D' F Rr' F'

Step 15: Center Centerpieces of the Fourth Layer

Now you'll start making the centers of the fourth layer.
The algorythmus ofthe first pic is:
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
RC U2 RC' U' RC U' RC'

Step 16: Finishing the Centerpieces of the Fourth Step

It's time to finish solving the centerpieces of the fourth layer.
The algorysm of the first pic is:
F' LlLC' d' F d F' LlLC F
The algorysm of the second pic is:
d' F RrRC d F' d' F RrRC' F'

Step 17: Finishing the Fourth Layer

It's time to finish the fourth layer.
The algorysm of the first pic is:
D' F RrRC D F' D' F RrRC' F'
The algorysm of the second pic is:
D R' FfFC' D' L D L' FfFC L

Step 18: Beginning the Centerpieces of the Fifth Layer

OK, now you're at the hardest Step. You'll have to solve the first centerpieces of the fifth layer. For the you'll have to make centerpiecepairs. You'll have to think also at your one when you do with algorysm. At the first algorysm you just swapp some kind of big edgepieces (the blue marked pairs).
The algorysm of the first pic is:
rRC Uu2 lLC' Uu2 lLC Uu2 rRC' Uu2 lLC' Uu2 lLC Uu2
The algorysm of the second pic is:

Step 19: Finishing the Centerpieces of the Fifth Layer

You finally compleated the hardest part and now you'll finish solving the centerpieces of the fifth layer.
The algorythmus ofthe first pic is:
l' U2 l U l' U l
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
r U2 r' U' r U' r'

Step 20: Finishing the Fifth Layer

Now you'll finish the fifth layer.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
U' F RrRC LC' U F' U' F RrRC' LC F'
The algorythmus for the second pic is:
UuUC dDC' F' LlLC' D' F D F' LlLC F

Step 21: Swapping Thecornerpieces of the Sixth Layer

Now it's time to swap cornerpieces. They don't have to be turned correctly, just swaped correctly.
The algorythmus is:
B U B' U' B' R B R'

Step 22: Turning the Corners

It's time to turn the cornerpieces. The algorythmus is:
L U' L' U L U' L' D L U L' U' L U L' D'

Step 23: Swapping the Center Edgepieces of the Sixth Layer

It's time to swapp the center Edgepieces of the sixth layer. They don't have to be tilted correctly, just swapped .The algorythmus for the first pic is:
RC U2 LC' U2 LC U2 RC' U2 LC' U2 LC U2
The algorythmus for the second pic is:

Step 24: Tilting the Center Edgepieces

It's time to tilt the center Edgepiecepairs. The second algorysm is a special case.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
R UC' DC R2 UC2 DC2 R U' R' UC2 DC2 R2 UC DC' R' U
The algorysm of the second pic is:
RC2 B2 U2 LC U2 RC' U2 RC U2 F2 RC F2 LC' B2 RC2

Step 25: Swapping the Rest Edges

Now you'll have to put the rest of the edgepieces into the right posisson. You'll have to make first edgepiecepairs with opposit colors. You'll have to switch edgepairs to switch the edges correctly. You'll find everything on the pics.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
r U2 l' U2 l U2 r' U2 l' U2 l U2
The algorythmus for the second pic is:
l' r U' l r' U2 l' r U' l r'

Step 26: Tilting the Rest Edgepairs

You're finally at the last Step! It's time to tilt the rest Edgepiecepairs. The second algorysm is a special case.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
R u' d R2 u2 d2 R U' R' u2 d2 R2 u d' R' U
The algorysm of the second pic is:
r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2

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44 Discussions

Step 11 also has some errors
Im having some trouble with the first two algorithms on step 10. Ive made sure I'm doing them as written, but they aren't working
please help
step 10 not woking
What means Ff'?
step 10 messes up my cube and what is Uu?
In Section 10 Completing the Center Pieces of the Second Layer, I could only get the third picture's algorithm to work, so I reverse engineered the other three picture's algorithms so that they would work using the author Sorunome's notation method of writing algorithms. To see the correct algorithms, just click on the picture below to see all four pictures and the corrected algorithms. I hope this helps.

You will notice that I have added parenthesis to make things easier to read, for example, instead of writing d' F d F' d' F d F' as he did, I wrote (d' F d F')2 which means to do the whole 4-move series two times. It is the same thing. Also note that when Sorunome writes Uu without a space between the two letters he means one should turn the upper two layers together in a clockwise direction, and (Uu)' means to turn the upper two layers together in a counterclockwise direction.
I couldn't get the algorithms in Step 11: Completing the Second Layer to work without adding some vertical rotations of the whole cube also known in notation as a "Y" move where the whole cube rotates clockwise around the "North-South" vertical axis of the cube.

Perhaps Sorunome left those "Y" rotations out by accident or because he didn't know how to document them, but without them many people would have considerable difficulty figuring them out. So taking his pictures (click on the picture below to see his three images and my corrected algorithms) I explicitly wrote in the "Y" rotations that are needed to make his algorithms work. I hope this helps those having trouble with this step.
The algorithm for picture #1 in Step 13: Finishing the Center Pieces of the Third Layer has, as typed, an obvious error in the fifth move. The algorithm we need for picture #1 should just be mirror image of the algorithm for picture #2 but without the first move (i.e. the piece we are moving is starting on the Right side of the cube instead of the Front side which means the first move of the algorithm for picture #2 is no longer needed).
Sorunome's incorrectly typedalgorithm for picture #1: F' Ll' d' F D F' Ll F
should in fact be read:
F' Ll' d' F d F' Ll F.
(Warning: "LI" means turning the two layers on the Left side simultaneously!)
For an unknown reason, Sorunome's fifth move was wrongly typed "D" instead of "d".
I hope this helps.

Likewise the algorithm for picture #1 in Step 14: Compleating (sic) the Third Layer has, as typed, an obvious error in the 5th, 7th, and 9th moves. The algorithm we need for picture #1, after having done a Y' move, should just be mirror image of the algorithm for picture #2 but it isn't! For the algorithm for picture #1, instead of turning the Left side of the cube - we should be turning the Right side of the cube in the 5th, 7th, and 9th moves.
Sorunome's incorrectly typed algorithm for picture #1: D R' Ff' D' L D L' Ff L
should in fact be read:
D R' Ff' D' R D R' Ff R.
(Warning: "Ff" means turning the two layers on the Front side simultaneously!)
For an unknown reason, Sorunome's 5th, 7th and 9th moves were wrongly typed "L" instead of "R".
I hope this helps.

Likewise the algorithm for picture #2 in Step 17: Finishing the Fourth Layer has, as typed, an obvious error in the 5th, 7th, and 9th moves. The algorithm we need for picture #2, after having done a Y move, should just be mirror image of the algorithm for picture #1 but it isn't! For the algorithm for picture #2, instead of turning the Left side of the cube - we should be turning the Right side of the cube in the 5th, 7th, and 9th moves.
Sorunome's incorrectly typed algorithm for picture #2: D R' FfFC' D' L D L' FfFC L
should in fact be read:
D R' FfFC' D' R D R' FfFC R.
(Warning: "FfFC" means turning the three layers on the Front side simultaneously!)
For an unknown reason, Sorunome's 5th, 7th and 9th moves were wrongly typed "L" instead of "R".
I hope this helps.

Likewise the algorithm for picture #2 in Step 20: Finishing the Fifth Layer has, as typed, an obvious error in the 5th and 9th moves. The algorithm we need for picture #2 is missing an "RC" move after the 4th move and the corresponding RC' before the 10th move.
Sorunome's incorrectalgorithm for picture #2: UuUC dDC' F' LlLC' D' F D F' LlLC F
should in fact be read:
UuUC dDC' F' LlLC' RC D' F D F' RC' LlLC F.
For an unknown reason, Sorunome's 5th move "RC" in picture #2 is missing.
I hope this helps.

Likewise the algorithm for picture #1 in Step 20: Finishing the Fifth Layer as typed, does not work. In fact, after doing a "Y" move, it should be the mirror image of the algorithm in picture #2, but it is not.
Sorunome's incorrect algorithm for picture #2: U' F RrRC LC' U F' U' F RrRC' LC F'
should in fact be:
Y UuUC' dDC F RrRC LC' D F' D' F LC' RrRC' F'.
I hope this helps.

The picture in Step 22: Turning the Corners is misleading. It seems to indicate that the corners being twirled are in the Down layer on the Front face, when in fact using the algorithm given twirls the corners in the Down layer in the Back face. It changes little but it is misleading. If one wants to twirl the Front face corners, then instead of using
Sorunome's algorithm for picture #1: L U' L' U L U' L' D L U L' U' L U L' D'one would need to replace "L" with "R", as in: R U' R' U R U' R' D R U R' U' R U R' D'
Finally, I should like to add that the author has not included algorithms to solve the two commonly encountered "Parity" errors that are often encountered in a 6x6 solve, situations that are impossible in a 3x3 solve, because of the extra layers present in a 6x6 cube. There are other possible "Parity" positions but they are variations of these two and can always be converted into one of the following two parities:
1) Permute (or Position) Last Layer (PLL) Parity - the need to swap two 4-piece edges in the last layer, which has a 50% chance of happening:
for opposite edges: (UuUC)2 (LlLC)2 U2 (lLC)2 U2 (LlLC)2 (UuUC)2
2) Orient Last Layer (OLL) Parity - the need to flip one 4-piece edge in the last layer. This is the more difficult Parity since after completing the following difficult algorithm, you still must solve the cube again but like a 3x3 cube. The OLL Parity has a 50% chance of happening:
rRC U2 X rRC U2 rRC U2 (rRC)’ U2 lLC U2 (rRC)’ U2 rRC U2 (rRC)’ U2 (rRC)’and then when you solve the 6x6 again like a 3x3 cube, this time it will be correct.
(NB: "X" means to rotate the whole cube on the Right to Left axis clockwise looking from the Right face.)
Statistically one will get "Parity" problems 3 out of 4 solves meaning there are no "Parity" problems for 1/4 of the attempted solves. Consider yourself lucky if you have no "Parity" problems at the first attempt to solve the 6x6 cube.
Hope this helps.

Well I am half-way finished with the first three layer's solved. And although, this page is the top organic result when searching for "How to solve a 6x6 Rubik's Cube" on Google, this page, posted 9 years ago, is in need of some algorithm corrections starting with Step 10, without which solving the cube is fairly difficult. Sorunome says he is German speaking, so I willingly excuse the spelling and grammar errors, but this does not explain the algorithm errors. I believe he solved the 6x6 cube but somehow the algorithms didn't get typed up as well as they needed to be.

I should like to add, on a positive note, that solving the 6x6 cube using Sorunome's layer-by-layer solution is an interesting approach considering that is how most people solve the 3x3 cube. However,I find the 'reductionist method' (i.e. reducing a 6x6 cube to function like a 3x3 cube and then solving it like a 3x3 cube) even simpler to memorize and to do, especially when dealing with "Parity" problems, which are anomalies one cannot see in the 3x3 cube but appear in the 6x6 cube because of the extra layers. I have written about these problems in another comment. I do believe, though, it is also good to learn different approaches, such as Sorunome's one.
I can't get the 2 first cases of step 10 to work. Anyone know how to fix it?
It only works if is the first pieces you are moving
Forma the first case of step 10 is easier to do:
L2 l2 LC2 DC'2 R2 u L2 l2 LC2 DC'2 R2
It maybe looks harder but alla you are doping is rotate the first 4 layers (starting from left) together with R, move u and undo the first piece of the algorithm
it's layer by layer
download link to mediafire or dropbox pls!


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